A year (and meeting) in review
This past week our team traveled to Franklin, TN. It was a quick trip, but one of those trips that fills your (hypothetical) cup. We reflected on the past year, both successes and things to improve upon, and set goals for the upcoming year. Through thought-provoking discussions, we challenged ourselves to do better and brainstormed ideas to achieve this. We talked about ways to help us grow. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. We spent time at Ramsey Solutions’ Headquarters with Dave and his team. And we shared our opinions on the superior flavor of cheesecake at our team dinner.
All in all, it was a great few days getting out of the office, spending some time together as a team, and reflecting on this past year. And a practice we suggest doing in other facets of your life.
The benefits of a yearend recap
Personally, I feel like January, February, and March take like 9 months to get through, but once April hits, I blink and it is already the middle of December. And I often feel like I only checked off two of the things that I wanted to accomplish. But taking the time, sitting back, and reminiscing on what actually happened in the last 365 days, helps me put things into perspective. Often times I realize I accomplished more than I thought I did and even things I did not have on my “to-do board” at the beginning of the year (i.e., have a baby as I am now back from maternity leave!).
Now all your accomplishments may not be or feel all that life-changing. But even wins like putting in a garden, losing 10 pounds, joining an art class, learning to cook, reading for pleasure again, or committing to starting a budget (my personal favorite suggestion) are things that are good to acknowledge for yourself. These are the things that are good for your soul, and help recharge you for the new year to come.
Outside of fueling your fire to take on the coming year, reviewing the last 12 months can help you learn to do things differently. This can be both personal and professional. Maybe when you look back, you wish you would have handled a situation differently, or started (or ended) something sooner rather than waiting. Whatever the case may be, looking back can help you move on and grow for things to come.
Looking to the new year
As all wise people say, you can’t live in the past. So, take the lessons learned, and accomplishments gained and carry them with you into the next year. But build upon them. Set your goals higher, or modify them to help you become a better version of yourself.
A great way to do this is to sit down and give yourself a few minutes to reflect. Write down all the things that made you feel good, feel accomplished, and happy that you did this past year. Ask yourself, am I done with these accomplishments, or can I do better? Then, write down some action points to get you there and make them your goals. As Dave says, “a goal without a plan is just a dream”.
Lastly, challenge yourself. Swinging for the fences is the type of energy we want you to have, but make it attainable so you can succeed. Set yourself up with wins (even if small wins) along the way to keep the momentum and excitement going for these goals. (Is it me or does that sound familiar?)
And remember to give yourself grace. I think sometimes we all need this reminder. Between trying to keep up with the daily grind, eat healthily, workout, take care of the kids and succeed at work, it can all be a bit overwhelming. Be kind to yourself.
Wrapping the year (and meeting) up
So as the days start to dwindle down, give yourself a pat on your back. As I said, you probably have accomplished more than you have realized this past year. And then take that energy and move into the new year with excitement.
The trip to Tennessee last week was a good trip. I laughed with coworkers I hadn’t seen since I was out for three months and got to meet a new colleague that joined us while I was gone. It was good to reconnect and see how we all wanted to grow ourselves (and the company) in the coming months. It filled my cup. Both figuratively and literally as I sipped on my peppermint mocha latte in the lobby of Ramsey Solutions.
December 15, 2022
Lindsey Curry
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